About 123 Mich Holding LLC
123 Mich Holding LLC was started by two highly-motivated people; both are attorneys and real estate associate brokers. They are also the co-founders and instructors of 1 Stop ConEd LLC (1StopConEd.com) and 123 ConEd LLC (123ConEd.com), two of the leading providers of real estate continuing education in Michigan. They quickly learned that there are many real estate salespeople who do not want to currently engage in the real estate business, but do want to keep their license without the excessive costs and fees associated with most brokerages. As a result, 123 Mich Holding LLC, was born.
Danielle Gee Gutierrez is an attorney, real estate broker, and co-founder of 1 Stop ConEd LLC, 123 ConEd LLC and 123 Mich Holding LLC. She graduated magna cum laude from Hillsdale College in Michigan, and obtained her law degree cum laude from University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. She is a member in good standing of the State Bar of Michigan. Danielle has been a licensed Michigan real estate professional since 1990. She is also an approved continuing education instructor by the State of Michigan. Contact Danielle at [email protected].
Jason S. Rose is an attorney, real estate broker, and co-founder of 1 Stop ConEd LLC, 123 ConEd LLC and 123 Mich Holding LLC. He graduated from the University of California, Davis, and obtained his law degree magna cum laude from Gonzaga University School of Law. He is a member in good standing of the State Bar of Michigan and the State Bar of Arizona. Jason has been a licensed Michigan real estate professional since 2006. He is also an approved continuing education instructor by the State of Michigan. Contact Jason at [email protected].
Danielle Gee Gutierrez is an attorney, real estate broker, and co-founder of 1 Stop ConEd LLC, 123 ConEd LLC and 123 Mich Holding LLC. She graduated magna cum laude from Hillsdale College in Michigan, and obtained her law degree cum laude from University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. She is a member in good standing of the State Bar of Michigan. Danielle has been a licensed Michigan real estate professional since 1990. She is also an approved continuing education instructor by the State of Michigan. Contact Danielle at [email protected].
Jason S. Rose is an attorney, real estate broker, and co-founder of 1 Stop ConEd LLC, 123 ConEd LLC and 123 Mich Holding LLC. He graduated from the University of California, Davis, and obtained his law degree magna cum laude from Gonzaga University School of Law. He is a member in good standing of the State Bar of Michigan and the State Bar of Arizona. Jason has been a licensed Michigan real estate professional since 2006. He is also an approved continuing education instructor by the State of Michigan. Contact Jason at [email protected].